Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Red Ribbon Week

Monday:  Wear your shirt inside out!  "Drugs can make you inside out!"
Tuesday: Motivational Program @12:45 - “I Can, You Can, We Can “Can” Drugs!”  Bring a can of food to donate.
Wednesday:  “SOCK IT TO DRUGS!”  Wear your crazy socks & bring a pair of NEW socks to donate to our sister school.
Thursday: Spirit Rally - “Show Your School Spirit, Be Drug Free!” Wear your RCE t-shirt  or blue & orange.
Friday: “SAY BOO TO DRUGS!” Wear your Halloween T-shirt.

Challenge For This Week

Here is a new website to go out and try.  It is called Zooburst.  It is a website that allows you to create 3-Dimensional Pop Up Books.  I have had students create non-fiction books about birds and they have also created books from family vacations.

I have an account and for information on loggin in that will be sent to your email account. I will also share it with your parents. This is worth 10 tickets and you can trade in a night of reading for 20 minutes if you create one! Please make sure that you have the rights to use any photograph / picture - especially from the internet.  To be safe, use Picasa or Flickr to help find "royalty free" images.

Here is one that I created:

Monday, October 17, 2011

Few Things

Yearbook Ads
One of the most popular parts of the RCE yearbook is our dedication ads.  We have a limited number of ads to sell, so get yours in early!  Click here for details.  Deadline is Friday, October 28th!

PTA announces the 2011-2012 Reflections theme:  DIVERSITY MEANS…
What is Reflections?  Reflections is a PTA sponsored art contest.  It gives our kids the opportunity to express their creativity in six different media categories: photography, visual arts, musical composition, literature, dance choreography, and film production, as well as the chance to compete at the local, district, state, and national level.  
Each entry must be an original work and “reflect” the theme “Diversity Means …”. 
PreK-2nd grade compete in the Primary level.  3rd-5th grade compete in the Intermediate level. 
Interested in allowing your child to unleash their creativity in the PTA reflections contest?   Please review the general rules and specific guidelines for the media category before your child begins. Remember to complete an entry form.   Additionally, please complete a parental consent form for musical, dance or film entries.   Please see links on the right.
Deadline for entries: Friday, October 28, 2011 7.30am-2pm in the library. Please remember to bring each creative work with the necessary forms for participation.  We look forward to a diverse RCE art collection this year!
Thank you for your support,
Kym Dobby

Our Innisbrook fundraiser was a huge success!
Thank you to all of the generous parents, community members, and staff who participated!  RCE can continue to earn money year round.  Just visit and shop the online store.  Items will ship to you and our school benefits if you enter our school #102734.  Your orders will be available for pick up in the KIVA during parent conferences on Thursday, Oct. 20 and Friday, Oct. 21.  Questions? Email Emily Wolf at or Kate Cashin at

Comic Challenge


Here is a challenge for your child to do over the weekend!  I sent it also to their email account but figured they may not check it this weekend.  J

Go to this website:  Body Depot

After you are done, then go and create your own comic to share about something you learned about Viruses.  :)
·         Comic Creator:  Read Write Think
·         Superhero Comic Creator:  Marvel Comic Creator

I think you will probably have to print this out (if they will not let you save it) or use a camera to take a picture of it for credit.

This is worth 10 tickets!!!

Have fun with it! 

Monday, October 3, 2011

Challenge For The Week

There is a very cool website out in the cyber world that allows children to create stories.  For 10 tickets, students can substitute one night of “read to self” for 20 minutes and create an electronic story to share!

Login:  Trevinot     
Password:  Storybird

Here is one that I made:
Hedgie's World! on Storybird