Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Virtual Field Trip

Hey friends!!! 
Here is a cool website that Mr. Kazilek and Dr. Pearson (our friends from Arizona State University) have been working on.  It is in BETA form which means that it is a “test” to see what needs to be improved.  If you have a moment, they would love for your thoughts.  If you should find a typo – please let me know!  Thanks for helping out!  I know you are going to love it!  I’ve also placed a link on it from my blog.  It is best viewed in Google Chrome!
Thanks for playing!  Don't forget to share your thoughts about this (what you liked) in the comment area below!
Mrs. Trevino


  1. TT I really like learning more about the canopy in the rain forest.I learned that monkeys like to hang around in the trees.

  2. AP I really like viewing the videos because it is cool to see videos

  3. I like that you could find the animals because i rally like animals and the bats look like they fly fast

  4. CH I thought the animals and trees
    were cool.

  5. AZ I loved the flowers and flowers and fruits setchon because it looked veary cool and intristing to me

  6. AE i wonder if they show their cave in the bat section

  7. AE i didnt know that bees live in the forest

  8. Panama is 7 percent of the Earths land surface.

    ,Becca D.

  9. LM
    I didn't know that when the leaf is rolled up,
    and an insect bites it once, it makes lots of little tiny holes.

  10. AE i know its interresting LM
