Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Our questions were answered using SKPYE!

Tuesday afternoon, we brainstormed some questions to help prepare for our next SKYPE with Mr. Schwab. Here are some of the questions that the kids came up with:

What is your favorite type of rock?
How are rocks made?
What is the difference between the cement block and a rock?
How many years have rocks been on the earth?
What is the biggest type of rock in the world?
How short is the shortest rock in the world?
How many different kinds of rocks are there?
What is the shiniest rock?
How big is the biggest rock you have studied?
How do igneous and sedimentary rocks get in the surface of the earth and then how do they come out of the earth’s surface?
Are all rocks the same color or shape?
How can you tell what type of rock it is?

Here are the ones that were answered:

What do you like most about being a Geologist?

How do rocks get their color?

How do rocks form their shape?

Can rocks break when lightening strikes?

What advice would you give us today that will help us become geologist while we dissect our rocks?

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